The Oral Defense of Master Degree

Hello blogger around the world!

In this post, I would like to write my story about Oral Defense of Master Degree. This is special post because I will make it in English version.

I had an oral defense on June, 6th 2014. That was the first time for me to present my works in front some professors. Usually, I only present my research in our group meeting that was attended by my lab mates and my professor.

Nervous, yes of course! I think every students who will have an oral defense are going to feel nervous. Even though you have already practiced presenting many times, it didn't mean your nervosity will disappear. It only reduced the rate of the nervosity.

Before, I'm full. When I was going to have the defense, I did not feel hungry. I used to have breakfast. But at that time, I felt my belly is full of problem. :D I did not want to eat anyway. I just wanted to present. Then finished! Then I would go to eat as much as I could. No matter how much revision that I would had, I have to finished the presentation.

There were many questions I had to answered. But I can answered well (My prof told me that I have a good answer XD hehe ). There were also some jokes in my oral defense. When they came to ask about previous research, they called previous researcher as my grand father or grand mother. In sum, they were questioning about the superiority of my method, "We think there are so many methods in this field. Are your sure that your method is better than your grand mother's?". And spontaneously, my professor helped me answering the question "Ask her grand father or mother! :P " I wanted to lough at that time, but I knew that's not a nice ethic. I just smile, review some previous research that I have known, then mention the superiority of my method.

After that retiring discussion session, I closed my presentation. I have to wait at the outside of the defense room. Wait for the committee's decision whether I passed this defense or not. 10 minutes waiting... finally they open the door and said "Congratulation! " Yeaaayyy... Gong xi gong xi. I graduated! The day after that defense day was the graduation day. I would wore my graduation costume without any burdens (actually there were still any burden, yeah..revision, but lets forget it for a while) Lets take photos ^^

The committee member. The most right one is my professor.

We toke this picture right before I presented.

The environment of oral defense.

Best lab mates ever!

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Guru vs Dosen

Halo, lama tak bersua di dunia maya.
Setelah sekian lama break dari dunia blogger, kali ini saya ingin kembali menulis.

Alhamdulillah, setelah sekian lama, sekarang saya sudah berganti status, belum menikah jadi menikah :D, mahasiswa jadi pekerja, nona jadi nyonya, biasanya dipanggil mbak sekrang jadi bu.
Nah, satu perubahan yang kali ini akan saya bahas adalah status dari mahasiswa ke pekerja.

By the way, saya sekarang sudah bekerja. Tepatnya menjadi pengajar. Sengaja saya tulis pengajar, bukan spesifik guru atau dosen karena saya guru sekaligus dosen (tidak bermaksud serakah:D ada latar belakangnya yang belum saatnya saya ceritakan). Saya bukannya akan bercerita tentang proses dari mahasiswa ke pekerja. Disini saya ingin bercerita tentang pengalaman sedikit tentang perbedaan guru dan dosen.

Oke, lets check these out! ;)

Guru vs Dosen
Guru: Para guru sedang rapat di ruang guru.
Dosen: Para dosen sedang rapat di ruang dosen.

Sekolah vs Kampus
Guru: Saya pamit berangkat ke sekolah.
Dosen: Saya pamit berangkat ke kampus dulu.

Jam vs SKS
Guru: Ibu mengajar berapa jam di sekolah A?
Dosen: Ibu mengajar berapa SKS di kampus B?

Mata Pelajaran vs Mata Kuliah
Guru: Saya mengajar mata pelajaran A.
Dosen: Saya mengajar mata kuliah B.

Umum & Spesifik
Guru: Bila ditanya, ngajar apa? Sebagian besar bilang matematika, biologi, bahasa inggris, TIK, dll. Dan istilah-istilahtersebut sudah biasa di telinga orang awam.
Dosen: Bila ditanya, ngajar apa? Kerepotan mau jawab apa, seringnya satu dosen mengampu lebih dari satu mata kuliah. Kalaupun dijawab, "Algoritma dan Pemrograman 1". Apa orang awam paham dengan istilah tersebut? Berdasarkan pengalaman, mereka haanya menjawab "ooo". Entah paham atau tidak. Hehe

Sebagai guru sekaligus dosen, sering kali saya kepleset dengan istilah tersebut. Butuh roaming :D
Sering kali pas mengajar di sekolah, saya bilang "mata kuliah". Saya lebih sering menggunakan istilah di perkuliahan dari pada di sekolah. Karena saya memang baru saja lulus, baru saja melepas status mahasiswa. Jadi masih anget lah istilah-istilah perkuliahan dari pada istilah sekolah.

Okay, that's all for today.

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